25 February 2011 ~ 0 Comments

Google Slap 2011?

Google SlapGoogle announced yesterday that they have implemented what they proudly refer to as “a pretty big algorithmic improvement to our ranking”. I could almost hear a big “Whuh-Oh…!!!” echoing throughout the entire Internet Marketing world.

While I’ve never been a fan of autoblogging, I admit that I’ve been looking into some WP plugins that allow you to populate your blog with content from a variety of sources (like articles, videos, etc.)… Not sure how this new Google algorithm will affect things like re-publishing, say, EZine articles on your blog, even though that’s part of the purpose of their existence!

The Big G seems to have painted the picture of what they deem “low quality sites” in quite some broad strokes:

“This update is designed to reduce rankings for low-quality sites—sites which are low-value add for users, copy content from other websites or sites that are just not very useful.”

At least now I know why my recipe blog seems to have fallen off the face of the web! While most of the posts were describing my own (and my husband’s) cooking adventures, I did share a few recipes from our friends and other sources (giving them credit, mind you!)

In any case, take a read and get informed!

BTW, the image is a custom creation of mine, perfectly 100% unique (just somewhat “manipulated” – LOL) content! Took about 30 minutes to make. :-)

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